Damiano is an economist whose professional goal deals with the design and implementation of policies, incentives and market instruments, under a framework of fact-based analysis, aimed at integrating green growth and climate resilient policies into broader economic policy making, development planning and poverty reduction strategies.
Having received his degree in Economics and Management at the United of Toronto, Damiano started his career in Italy as a financial strategic advisor, while later moving to work with UNDP as a climate change and energy expert, first in Honduras (2008-2011) and later in Costa Rica (2011-2015), where he also led the Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Program.
Since September 2015, Damiano has been the coordinator of the UNDP/UNEP Global Support Program, which provides support to more than 140 developing countries in the preparation of National Communications (NCs), Biennial Update Reports (BURs), as well as in the identification of priority areas for the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). He is also a member of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on national communications from Non Annex I Parties, which provides key technical support under the Climate Change Convention to assist developing countries parties in meeting their reporting obligations.