The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network

Pembina Institute
Job Title: 
Senior Policy Analyst

Nathan Lemphers is a senior policy analyst in the Pembina Institute's oil-sands program. Since 2009, Nathan has examined the topics of oil-sands economics and environmental management. In particular, Nathan's research has focused on the liability management of oil-sands mines, the economics of the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline, the macroeconomic effects of oil-sands development and the trans-boundary environmental impacts of the oil-sands. Beyond his policy-related work with the Institute, Nathan has contributed to private and public consulting projects on such topics as offshore oil and gas drilling regulations, wetlands policy, sustainable design and sustainability reporting. Nathan is also a frequent media spokesperson for the Institute on oil-sands-related issues. Nathan holds a master's degree in city planning with a certificate in environmental planning and policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also holds a bachelor of science in environmental and conservation sciences from the University of Alberta.