Dr. Ricardo Baptista Leite is a Medical Doctor and Member of the Portuguese Parliament, where he sits on the Health Committee and on the Foreign Affairs Committee. He is Head of Public Health at the Institute of Health Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal, Coordinator of the Sustainable Healthcare Unit at the NOVA Information Management School and Guest Lecturer at NOVA Medical School. He is also City Councilor of Cascais where he's responsible for local health strategy, economic diplomacy and international relations. Prior to being elected MP, he was a practicing physician during 7 years, including a 5-year Infectious Diseases residency and an internship at the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (Copenhagen). He also worked for a decade as a consultant at a multinational company in the field of health information technologies. PhD candidate in Public Health at Maastricht University having completed post-graduate studies in multiple universities including Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Medical School. Founder of CREATING HEALTH – Research and Innovation funding (http://creatinghealth.ics.lisboa.ucp.pt) and Co-founder of the Estoril Conferences (www.estorilconferences.com). Volunteer work related with health, development and Patient organizations. Member of the European Leadership Network (www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org), European Young Leaders (Friends of Europe), European Young Leaders Forum (BMW Foundation), Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network (ELEEP | The Atlantic Council), Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs) and ZEIT Stiftung Alumi. Author of the books “Citizenship for Health” and “Strategic Consensus on Integrated Management of Hepatitis C in Portugal”, among other publications.