The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network

Lunch & Learn: Sustainability At Work

This talk explores the nexus between sustainability and careers. Marilyn elucidates concepts pertinent to professionals with energy and environment backgrounds and/or working in this field.

Two Cities Review

In the "New Rule of Real Estate", Marilyn Waite presents a narrative that takes place during an ELEEP study tour of North American urban transformation. Through interactions with the many elements that make up a location, such as infrastructure, climate, people, organizations, and food, the narrator comes to at least one conclusion: Detroit’s got potential.

Sustainable Transportation and the Evolution of Mobility

A group of ten selected ELEEP (Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy) Network members met in Stuttgart, Germany, and Paris, France, from 30 September through 5 October 2012 to explore how the two regions are implementing visions of sustainable transportation policy and to investigate the ways that businesses and civil society are contributing to the evolution of the concept of mob