The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network

Job Title: 
Business Developer-Partner

Benjamin Denjean is a multifaceted environmental professional, engineer from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes and holds an MSc from NTNU Trondheim University. Along with the teams of the International Institute for Sustainable Development and Asia Centre, his work focuses on energy security, subsidies reform as well as public procurement policies. Entrepreneur by trade and cofounder with Tristan Macquet of Le Dapeng (乐大棚) in Beijing, he fosters the development of sustainable agriculture through education and short food circuit promoting the Farming city paradigm. He joined ICATALIST S.L in 2016 to develop climate change adaptation strategies through the nexus between disaster risk reduction, ecological restoration and cultural identities. Benjamin is concomitantly a Phd candidate at The Beijing Forestry University on new models to foster Natural Infrastructure development through ecological restoration.

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