The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network

NRG Energy Inc
Job Title: 
Senior Analyst for Strategy, Policy & Sustainability

Brian Marrs is an energy professional with extensive experience in energy economics & policy, cleantech strategy, and power market governance. He currently serves as a Senior Analyst for Strategy, Policy & Sustainability at NRG Energy, Inc., the largest competitive power provider in the United States. Prior to NRG, Brian worked as an energy economics consultant at industry-leading companies based in the United States and abroad.

Brian studied Foreign Affairs & Economics from the University of Virginia and holds a Master's degree from Yale University in energy economics & policy. Prior to Yale, Brian served as a Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow at the German Energy Agency (dena) and Vattenfall Europe. At Yale, he received cash awards from the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute and a Sobotka Venture Prize for launching an energy-focused start-up company.

In 2012, Brian served as a contributing writer to Corporation 2020, a book led by Pavan Sukhdev, former Special Envoy and Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nation's Environmental Program. He has also contributed the chapter “Ambitions and Realities of the German Energy Revolution” in the university textbook publication, Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective. Brian also actively contributes articles to mainstream publications including the Financial Times, and received top honors in Shell’s Energy for Tomorrow competition as an emerging young leader in clean energy.