Technical University of Lisbon, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Job Title:
PhD candidate and Independent Environmental Engineering and Biological Conservation Consultant and Researcher
Carlos Teixeira is a researcher and an independent consultant in environmental policy. He has a first degree in Biology and a Masters degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Lisboa. Carlos also holds a certificate in advanced studies in Environmental Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and is currently finishing a Double-Doctorate in Earth and Life Sciences from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Environmental Engineering from the IST.
Since 2005, Carlos has also developed a career as a civil society representative. He is a former Board member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and served four mandates as Board member and Vice-President of the Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN), Portugal’s oldest environmental non-governmental organization. He has also been appointed for several Portuguese public committees such as the Permanent Forum for Oceanic Affairs and UNESCO’s Portuguese Committee for Biodiversity. In 2014 he was a candidate to the European Parliament.