The Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network

ELEEP COP 22 Side Event

Cities play a key role in supporting implementation of the Paris Agreement by promoting the co-benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation. On 18 November 2016, the ELEEP Network network hosted an official COP 22 side event in Marrakech on the topic "Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities".


Cities are at the forefront of the global carbon revolution, breaking established structures and creating new models for integrated systems. Together with the EU research project Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow (POCACITO), ELEEP co-hosted an official side-event at COP21 in Paris to discuss the role cities play as catalysts in the global transformation to a post-carbon society.

ELEEP Policy Recommendations for Urban Development and Transportation

Building off a previous ELEEP tour to Stuttgart and Paris in October 2012, a group of ELEEP Members traveled to the Pacific Northwest of the United States to find out how communities use planning, policies, investments, and other measures to establish low-carbon, sustainable transportation systems. They visited Porland and Salem, Oregon and Seattle, Washington from 27 to 31 January 2014.